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St Mark's Catholic School

St Mark's Catholic School


Mr P Hanlon. (Subject Leader Film Studies)

Miss F Conway

Miss De Leon

Ms A Harris

Ms L Joyce 

Mrs R Julien

Mr A Lipscombe

Mrs S McGinty

Ms S Nawaz

Ms L O’Connell

Ms L Ryan

Ms A Weir (Subject Leader English/Media Studies)


The English Department is firmly committed to mixed ability teaching; classes are taught in mixed ability groups. Each year is divided into eight mixed ability teaching groups to allow for smaller classes.

Our teaching is guided by a desire to foster within the students a love of literature and to support them in developing their language skills so that they might be able to access a wide variety of texts and express themselves fluently, effectively and accurately to and for a wide variety of audiences and purposes.

The department follow the objectives laid out in the National Curriculum for English. Our choices of text are guided by a belief that our curriculum should reflect the society in which we live. We believe in the importance of literature, fiction and non-fiction, in fostering an appreciation of good writing and as a means for students to explore cultures other than their own. Students bring their own experience and knowledge to school in a variety of ways: it is the duty of English teachers to recognise this and provide the means whereby they may express it.

The department wishes all who work in it to adopt the view that all students are entitled to equality of learning opportunities, and every student's learning process is of equal value. Students are taken seriously as readers, writers, speakers and listeners and should be given the greatest possible degree of responsibility for their own learning, having opportunities to work independently and as part of a team.

It is very important that students value their own work and responses. Through this they learn to listen to and so appreciate other points of view and assume a measure of responsibility for the work they do.