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St Mark's Catholic School

St Mark's Catholic School


At St Mark's Catholic School, chaplaincy plays a vital role in nurturing the spiritual life of our community. It serves as a guiding presence that connects our faith to everyday experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of Christ’s teachings and their relevance in today’s world. Through prayer, reflection, and pastoral care, chaplaincy supports students, staff, and families in their spiritual journey, providing a space for all to grow in faith and love.

The Chaplaincy Team

At St Mark’s Catholic School, the Chaplaincy Team is integral to our mission of being a Catholic community inspired by Gospel values, with relationships rooted in love and service. The team includes both staff and students from various year groups, supported by our school chaplain and the parish priest of Ss Michael and Martin Parish.

The Chaplaincy Team nurtures the spiritual growth of students, helping them to live out the school’s mission of inclusivity, tolerance, and compassion. Our chapel offers a peaceful space for prayer and reflection, where both students and staff can deepen their faith and engage with the Chaplaincy Team.

In line with our commitment to developing the spiritual, intellectual, moral, cultural, social, and physical potential of every student, the Chaplaincy Team plays a key role in shaping individuals and preparing them to lead in service to others.

Students have the opportunity to contribute to the life of our school community through various Chaplaincy ministries, including:

  • Altar Servers – Participate in formation sessions to serve at school liturgies and Masses.
  • Lectors – Read scripture and assist in worship services.
  • Prayer Warriors – Assist in preparing prayers, including for significant events such as the Week of Prayer for the Israel and Palestine crisis.
  • Promotion Team – Help design and promote fundraising initiatives, such as creating posters for the YSVP (Young Vincentians) charity events.

Would you like to be part of the Chaplaincy Team and contribute to the mission of St Mark’s? Speak to Ivan, our school chaplain, to get involved and make a difference. 

Reading at the Holy Week Celebration of the Word


Preparation for the Week of Prayer - Israel and Palestine crisis


Formation Session


Preparation for Year 7 Retreat


Setting up the chapel for Thursday Mass


YSVP fundraising poster


Caritas Ambassadors (Year 7-8)

The Caritas Ambassadors Programme is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of Catholic Social Teaching and its practical application in everyday life. Centred around six core themes of Catholic Social Teaching, the programme encourages students to reflect on social justice issues within their local community.

As part of the programme, students will have the opportunity to design and implement their own social action projects. This hands-on approach helps them develop independent skills while fostering a sense of responsibility towards supporting those in need.

Throughout the process, students will follow the Give, Act, Share, Pray model to guide their projects. They will also present their work to others, raising awareness of the social justice issues they have chosen to address.

Caritas Ambassadors will:

  • Gain insight into how our faith guides us to live harmoniously in society through Catholic Social Teaching.
  • Understand the key themes that inspire us to share God’s love with one another in practical ways.
  • Learn how to plan, organise, and lead social action projects within our school community.
  • Promote the mission of Caritas Westminster, encouraging collective efforts to build a more just and compassionate society.

The Caritas Ambassadors meet on Mondays after school to discuss and plan their activities, ensuring a positive and meaningful impact within our school and beyond.


Community and Participation Session


Caritas School Festival

Youth SVP (Years 9-11)

Youth SVP at St Mark's Catholic School is part of the global St. Vincent de Paul Society, dedicated to putting faith into action by serving those in need. Our Youth SVP members, inspired by the values of compassion and social justice, actively engage in a variety of charitable works, from visiting the lonely to supporting food banks and raising awareness of critical social issues.

The heart of Youth SVP is commitment. Members are expected to participate regularly in voluntary work and attend weekly meetings. By doing so, they contribute meaningfully to their community and grow in leadership, empathy, and service.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Meet every Thursday at lunchtime to plan and coordinate activities.
  • Assist people in need through the initiatives chosen by the group.
  • Lead charity and fundraising events within our school, ensuring that our school community actively supports those who are vulnerable.

Youth SVP empowers students to make a tangible difference, embodying the Gospel values of love, service, and justice. 


Our school Youth SVP raised awareness about poverty through the Lenten campaign Make Poverty a Priority



Fundraised money to support our school charity In this Together



YSVP Mass and Gathering



At St Mark’s Catholic School, we are committed to creating opportunities for our students to deepen their faith, aligning with our mission to inspire a community rooted in Gospel values. Throughout the year, students have an opportunity to participate in a retreat designed to provide a transformative experience away from their daily routines.

These retreats offer students a chance to reflect on the Gospel message and engage in meaningful activities that promote personal growth. By stepping back from their regular schedules, students gain valuable insights into themselves, build stronger relationships with their peers, and strengthen their connection to God.

In fostering this environment of spiritual development, we embody our mission to nurture compassionate individuals who are prepared to serve others and lead with integrity.

Year 7 Retreat


Year 9 Retreat

Sacrament of Reconciliation

The Sacrament of Reconciliation holds a central place in our faith at St Mark’s, offering us the opportunity to experience God's mercy and forgiveness. It is a powerful reminder of His unconditional love, inviting us to reflect on our actions, seek healing, and restore our relationship with God and others. Through confession, we acknowledge our mistakes, receive absolution, and are strengthened to live more fully in accordance with Gospel values.

At St Mark’s, we encourage all students to participate in this sacrament as part of their spiritual growth. It not only deepens our connection with Christ but also fosters a sense of peace, renewal, and the ability to forgive others. By embracing the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we are reminded of the importance of compassion, humility, and living a life rooted in love and forgiveness.

During the seasons of Advent and Lent, through our local parish, we encourage our school community to take the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation as part of their spiritual preparation for the celebrations of Christmas and Easter. This sacred time allows students and staff to reflect on their lives, seek forgiveness, and renew their hearts in readiness for these important feasts, deepening their relationship with God and one another.



Chaplaincy Newsletters

Our Chaplaincy Newsletters are a vibrant reflection of the spiritual life at St Mark’s, highlighting the activities, events, and initiatives that nurture our community. Through these newsletters, we aim to keep our community informed, inspired, and connected as we grow together in faith and support one another on our spiritual journeys.

Chaplaincy Newsletters